In this world, I believe, there are so many good hearted people who want nothing more than for every human being to, at least, posses the basic needs to sustain a healthy life. The world has the riches to make this a reality. What is standing in the way, simply stated, is greed.
Almost every one of us wants to give, but no one wants to be the one to throw all their luxuries into the pot to be spread insignificantly across the globe unless every one else, who can afford it, is going to do the same. People are starving and we want to send them food to eat and the tools to build for the future of their families, but we are afraid that the money we give will mostly find its way into the pockets of middle men along the way. We want to give but we don't want to shoulder the burden when others who make a hundred thousand American dollars or more a year are not making an even larger sacrifice.
I am not saying that hard work and education should not be rewarded. A person has a right to more who has worked harder, or learned more skills. But I do not believe that that person has a right to possess many times more the wealth than one who is not blessed with the physical, intellectual, or endurance capacities of their brothers and sisters. Give and individual a job that they can perform and let them create and accomplish to the best of their abilities. Give that man or woman an income that will allow them to provide for themselves and their families. In all countries around the globe, none should shoulder the burden for the benefit of a select few. Equality is not a word that is a prayer for just women or the black man, but for the impoverished and needy everywhere.
Let the bell toll for justice. Let us all move for a future of hope and promise that will include everyone. Let it begin right now by taking the first step in that direction by voting for a candidate with global compassion. In my mind that candidate is John Edwards.
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